When problem started, the fan was running fine, however after a little while, it was like a damper would change and the air was going somewhere in the dash. Very little coming out of the vents. If you changed it from inside air to outside air and let it run for a little while and then switch it back it would blow strong again, for a little while. Then one day the fan would not come on at all. After I killed the engine, and recranked it, the fan motor starting running again. Now it has stopped all together. When you turn the switch to ON, you can hear the compressor come on, but the fan does not run. It may be a bad motor, but I can't help believe that the damper issue may be related some how to the blower motor issue.
I would appreciate any ideas you may have on this issue.
Thursday, June 24th, 2010 AT 1:22 PM