J 24319-01 Steering Linkage Puller
J 36202 Torsion Bar Unloading Tool
J 29193 Steering Linkage Installer
IMPORTANT: Raise the vehicle and support it with suitable safety stands.
Hub, Knuckle, And Control Arm Components
Tire and wheel.
Removing Or Installing The Torsion Bar Adjusting Bolt
Unload the torsion bar using tool J 36202. Mark the adjuster bolt for reinstallation of the torsion bar.
Brake hose bracket.
Caliper and wire oft to the side.
Drive Axle Cover Installed
Install the drive axle boot cover.
Outer tie rod end (125) from the knuckle using J24319-01.
Drive axle shaft nut (120) and washer (119) from the hub assembly.
Separate the shaft (132) from the splined hub (114).
Cotter pins (130) from upper and lower ball joint nuts.
Support the lower control arm assembly (93) with a jack.
Upper and lower ball joint nuts (129 and 131).
Separate the upper ball joint (115) from the knuckle (117) using J 36607.
Separate the lower ball joint (127) from the knuckle (117) using J 24319-01.
Using the support jack, remove the knuckle assembly.
Center punch the bottom of the rivets.
Using a 3.175 mm (1/8-inch) drill bit, drill a guide hole 6.35 mm (1/4-inch) into the center of each rivet heads.
Using an 12.7 mm (1/2-inch) drill bit, drill the rivet head off.
Drill a hole two-thirds the length of the rivet shank, using a 8 mm (5/16-inch) drill.
Using an 8 mm (5/16-inch) pin punch, punch out the rivets.
J 36202 Torsion Bar Unloading Tool
Ball joint (127) to the control arm.
Installing The Lower Ball Joint (Riveted / Bolted)
Bolts (137) and nuts (136) to the ball joint (127)
Tighten nuts (136) to 60 Nm (45 lbs. Ft.).
Raise lower control arm with the hydraulic jack.
Knuckle to the upper ball joint.
Nut (131)
Nut to 128 Nm (94 ft. Lbs.)
Nut must be tightened with the control arm at the "Z" height.
Tighten the nut to align the cotter pin. Do not tighten more than 1/6 turn.
New cotter pin (130).
Bend the pin ends against the nut.
Load the torsion bar, using J 36202.
Set the adjuster bolt at the mark made during disassembly.
Drive axle assembly (121) to the differential output shaft.
Bolts (135). Tighten bolts to 78 Nm (57 lbs. Ft.).
Prelube steering knuckle seal.
Drive axle to the hub (114).
Washer (119 and nut (120). Tighten nut to 235 Nm (173 lbs. Ft.).
Inner tie rod end to the relay rod.
Inner tie rod end nut. Tighten nut to 47 Nm (35 lbs. Ft.).
Front splash shield.
Front splash shield bolts.
Tire and wheel.
Wheel nuts.
Lower the vehicle.
Check the front end alignment.
Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 AT 10:26 PM