Thursday, October 4th, 2007 AT 10:10 PM
95 S10 4.3 HO V6 w/187534 miles. Ok, here we go.I have an ongoing problem with my S10. It started about 4 months ago. First it was running rough and put it in the shop, replaced distributor cap and rotor. Didn't fix it. Back to shop. Replaced computer, spider, control mod. Fixed and running great. Two days later, come out to go to work, truck starts and immediately dies, then won't start again. Left it for the day, come home and it starts, runs great all evening. Next morning does it again, quick vroom then stops and just turns over but no start. Back to shop, replace control mod again and it runs fine for about three days, then same thing again. Back to shop, they kept it for 2 weeks during which time the checked every sensor, re replaced the spider, oil pressure sending unit, checked the fuel pressure, replace fuel filter, and replaced computer again. Finally throws a code of multiple misfires. Replace the distributor cap, rotor and pickup coil again. During that 2 weeks it starts and runs for them twice only to turn around and do the same thing again before I could pick it up. That shop finally gives up on it and sends it to the dealer. The dealer reprograms the computer because they said it wasn't programmed right. Then they replace the crankshaft sensor, distributor cap and rotor again. I finally get the truck back and it runs great, Until last weekend, go to the store and come back out truck won't start again, same thing quick vroom then just turns over. Get a ride home, come back that evening to tow it and it starts but check engine light is on. Friend of mine suggested pickup coil again, replace it and the light goes out. Runs great until today, same thing again. Please help before I decide to replace my gas cap with dynamite!