Sunday, October 24th, 2010 AT 5:36 PM
1995 Chevy s10 2wd 4.3 Vortec Vin "W", starts, idles fine, seems to be "pulsating" or "loping" once under load in drive just over 30mph. Fuel pressure ranging @ 55-60psi consistantly, new fuel pump and filter, but when it starts to "pulsate" the tach also gets jittery and jumpy not steady fluctuating 300-500rpm. If you "get on it" it will bog down and very slowly gain speed and power while rpms jump to almost redline? This all of a sudden started the other day while going down the freeway at 65mph no precursors to this "problem". Any ideas. I have seen some websites stating EGR possibilities or plugged Catlytic problems. Is there a way to test the Cat? Or EGR?