Good afternoon,
I attached the procedure for you for the module. I also attached the wiring diagram of the system for you and specifically the module connector. This video shows the job being done on a similar car but the process is the same.
Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) Replacement
Removal Procedure
Important: After installation, calibrate the new EBCM to the tire size that is appropriate to the vehicle.
Important: Thoroughly wash all contaminants from around the EHCU. The area around the EHCU must be free from loose dirt to prevent contamination of disassembled ABS components.
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1. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the EBCM (2).
2. Remove the four T 25-TORX mounting screws (1) that fasten the EBCM (2) to the BPMV (3).
3. Remove the EBCM (2) from the BPMV (3). Removal may require a light amount of force.
Important: Do not use a tool to pry the E13CM or the BPMV.
4. Clean the BPMV (3) to EBCM (2) mounting surfaces with a clean cloth.
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Wednesday, March 17th, 2021 AT 3:04 PM