1999 Chevy Blazer battery lights and alternator stopages

  • 6 CYL
  • FWD
  • 90,000 MILES
My 99 Chevy Blazer has around 90,000 miles on it. It has been worked on a lot lately so I am sure it was not put back together properly (transmission has been dropped, started has been taken out, gas system has been cleaned, and air conditioning has all been replaced.)

The battery light began coming on and I noticed that after driving for five minutes the battery gauge usually dips below 14vv (13.4-13.8). My battery is new and I had it checked and it is fine, a steady 12v. Sometimes I will be driving and the battery light will come on, the guage will drop to 12v and all the lights will dim. After a minute or so it will go back to right under 14v again and the lights all go back to normal. At first I thought it was a bad alternator so I had it replaced new and it is still happening. What gives?
Tuesday, August 12th, 2008 AT 8:45 PM

1 Reply

  • 117 POSTS
Sounds like a poor connection somewhere, especially since you said you have had a lot of work recently. Check the nut that holds the large red wire on the back of the alternator to make sure it is properly secured (is easiest to get to). What sounds more likely is the nut that holds the power wire from the battery to the starter (since you said the transmission had been dropped). Possibly that nut has been overtightened and the power wire terminal at the starter is broken on the outside of the starter or possibly internal to the starter. Might also check the battery cables for making good contact to the battery. Follow the ground wire (black cable from negative side) from the battery to where it grounds on the engine block to see that the ground is good, clean, and tight.
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Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 AT 6:35 AM

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