1998 Buick Regal 6 cyl Automatic
On my 98 buick regal the air conditioning blows cool air on the drivers side and hot on the passengers side when I turn on the dual control. Have done some research and almost everything leads to the blend door actuator. I did purchase a air door actuator but can't find it.
My question is first what is your opinion and second where can I find a diagram to replace the blend door if this is the problem.
I checked behind the glovebox and didn't see anything back there and I checked underneath the dash on both sides and I didn't see anything. I was told on buicks they were behind the glovebox but from the partial look (the glove box has a huge inside so it doesn't reveal much when its pulled down all the way) I didn't see it. I would probably have to pull the entire glove box to get a better look but I didn't want to do that yet incase this was not even the place where the actuator was located.
Monday, November 1st, 2010 AT 2:31 PM