About 86,600 Miles
Engine Size.
Last night about 12am me and my boyfriend went out to grab something to eat and the car started up fine and drove like it usually does. Today around 1pm I get into the car start it up, let it warm up (since its a older car I have to do that) went to put it in drive and it did not move at all. So I called my dad and he told me to check the Transmission fluid which I did and the stick was practically dry. I went and bought some and put it in (the whole bottle) praying that this would fix the problem but it didnt :-(. Being that I really dont know anything about cars I think I waited too long to put the fluid in (it was lagging for like a week or 2 but it will eventually go after a few seconds) and now my transmission is blew according to what everyone is telling me. It backs up fine but when I put it in drive the only way it moves is if I press down on the gas really hard and only goes like 10mph. The car smokes bad when I do that. I dont understand though because it goes in reverse fine but doesnt drive forward. I am pulling out my hair now from fustration, that was my only transportation. HELP!
Thursday, March 15th, 2007 AT 8:27 PM