Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 AT 6:51 AM
I believe I found the transmission oil pan, it looks in good condition with no leaking around the seal, but I can't find a drain plug on the bottom of it. I've looked online everywhere for answers to find out if it is indeed the transmission pan (looks like it's the transmission and it's just behind the oil pan). I need to know if I truly have to drop the entire pan to change it or if there is a bolt I'm not noticing to unscrew to drain. I don't really want to drop the entire pan as I'm sure it will get really messy. I just purchased the car 3 months ago and not sure how often if at all the oil has been changed. Since there is no leaking around the seal and from what I can tell the filter is metal so probably isn't a necessity to change out, just flushed really well. Please help if possible with as much info as you can provide. Maybe even a diagram or site that may provide such.