When I brake pulls right

  • 2 POSTS
I just had the work done on Wed of last week and have had some snow, so I haven't driven it much, but yes, I am still experiencing the rubbing noise. I will take it back and insist they re-check it again! I paid over $700 and I am not happy!

Thanks for your suggestions!
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Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 11:16 AM (Merged)
  • 2 POSTS
  • 1997 HONDA CIVIC
  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 137,700 MILES
thank you for this service you provide, my question is. When I accelerate my car pulls to the right and I have to adjust by steering to the left and when I let go of the pedal I have to move my wheel to the right. What can cause this? I changed my tie rods thinking that was the problem but I still have that problem. Anothe rproblem when my car pulls is that I have to steer left since it pulls right but if I hit a bump or uneven road my car jerks violently to the left. Any suggestions for repair would be great. Thank you very much!
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Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 11:17 AM (Merged)
  • 75,992 POSTS
Car pulls right or left:

This is a condition where the vehicle continually pulls or drifts to one side while traveling straight. The driver typically has to maintain steady pressure on the steering wheel to keep the vehicle on the road. Possible causes include:

Uneven camber side-to-side. Too much cross-camber can make a vehicle pull or lead towards the side that has the most (positive) camber or away from the side that has the least (negative) camber. The underlying cause may be a bent strut or mislocated strut tower, a bent spindle, collapsed control arm bushing, weak or broken spring, or a shifted crossmember or engine cradle. Check SAI and the included angle to see if these are in or out of specs to diagnose the problem. Also check ride height. Correct by replacing worn or damaged parts, correcting location of strut tower, repositioning engine cradle, and/or reducing cross-camber to half a degree or less by readjusting camber to specifications.

Uneven caster side-to-side. Too much cross-caster can make a vehicle pull or lead towards the side that has the least (negative) caster. The underlying cause may be a bent strut, spindle or mislocated strut tower. Correct by replacing damaged part, correcting location of strut tower, and/or reducing cross-caster to half a degree or less by resetting caster to specifications.

Rear axle steer. The front wheels are with alignment specifications but the vehicle pulls to one side. The underlying cause may be rear toe out of specifications, a bent rear axle, chassis misalignment or a stackup of assembly tolerances in the chassis causing rear axle misalignment. Measure and compare the wheelbase on both sides, check for the presence of a thrust angle, and/or measure individual rear toe. Correct by realigning the rear axle or rear toe, or by performing a thrust angle alignment.

Brake drag. The pull is constant to one side and may get worse with the application of the brakes. Raise the vehicle and spin each wheel by hand to check for excessive drag. Possible causes include caliper sticking, frozen or sticking piston in caliper, overfilled fluid reservoir in master cylinder (does not allow caliper pistons to retract when brakes are released), weak drum brake return springs, misadjusted drum brakes, misadjusted parking brake, misadjusted parking brake pedal switch (creates residual pressure in the master cylinder to cause drag). Readjust or repair brakes as required.

NOTE: If the pull only occurs when the brakes are applied, the problem may be unequal braking not a dragging caliper or misalignment. The vehicle will pull towards the side with the stronger front brake and away from the side with the weaker or inoperative front brake. Uneven braking can be caused by a sticking floating caliper, a frozen caliper piston, the use of different grades or brands of brake linings side-to-side, fluid leaks, or contaminated linings on one side (by brake fluid or grease). Correct by repairing brakes as required. Other causes may include worn or loose control arm bushings or strut rod bushings that allow alignment changes when braking, so be sure to inspect these components before blaming the brakes.

Low tire pressure. The vehicle will lead towards the side with low pressure in the front tire. Correct by inflating tires to recommended pressure.

Mismatched tires side-to-side. The vehicle will pull or lead towards the side that offers the greatest rolling resistance. Compare tire sizes, tread wear, tread styles and patterns, also brands.

Uneven tire wear. If one side of the tread is worn more than the other, the tire develops conicity. The effect is much the same as camber, causing the tire to roll towards the side which is worn most. The uneven wear may be the result of incorrect camber, toe and/or failure to rotate the tires periodically to even out wear. If rotating the tires side-to-side reverses the direction of the pull, the tires need to be replaced.
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Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 11:17 AM (Merged)
  • 1 POST
I have been have the same problem but I know my solution already just need time to fix it. U need to check the bolts that screw in over where you lca in front is at the h brace (aftermarket) would bolt into this as well the nut it screws into is welded inside of the frame check to see if the nut is broken off the frame if it is or if its loose it will cause it to do that. To replace it u would have to cut small hole in frame to get the nut out then pretty much jb industro weld it back into place. It solved mine I just never welded it back in I just did it with thread lock I need to weld it in
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Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 11:17 AM (Merged)
  • 2 POSTS
Thank you for your answer, im just a little confused what do you mean by "check the bolts that screw in over by where you lca" thank you again hope I can resolve this problem
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Friday, May 29th, 2020 AT 11:17 AM (Merged)
  • 107 POSTS
  • 1996 HONDA CIVIC
  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 318,750 MILES
The car veered to the left once the brakes are hit very hard. I mean when the tires start to scream, it happens. I dont feel or notice anything unusual during light and moderate braking. Steering seems to be fine, no vibrations even at high speeds, except there is a very little veering to the left. Its not noticable when im holding the wheel. Just had the pads checked last week, all ok. All tires are still thick. Where do I begin searching?
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Saturday, May 30th, 2020 AT 10:47 AM (Merged)
  • 75,992 POSTS
Caliper piston could be sticking orthe brake hose is collasped internally-also check wheel bearing/wheel alignment
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Saturday, May 30th, 2020 AT 10:47 AM (Merged)
  • 107 POSTS
Tnx. Ill start with the caliper. The rest seems fine.
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Saturday, May 30th, 2020 AT 10:47 AM (Merged)

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