It's possible your brakes are dragging causing them to heat up. It could be a partially collapsing brake line or the caliper itself. A partially collapsed brake line will let fluid in but not let it retract back into the system.
I would jack the car up, remove the tire and apply the brakes a couple times and then try spinning the wheel. If it won't spin or is dragging, try opening the bleeder on the caliper and see if it releases and see if the wheel will now spin.
Sounds like it is isolated to one wheel so starting your search for issues at the wheel itself I think is the best direction.
Unfortunately, when brake parts are over-heated pads and rotors will need to be replaced.
Here is an article on brakes locking up with a lot of good information in it I think will be useful:
This article is good as well and is on brakes over-heating:
If you find it is the caliper or the brake hose, this article will help with you with information on how to bleed them:
Thank you,
Monday, June 12th, 2023 AT 8:48 AM