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This could be a few things. It could be ignition related, a major engine vacuum leak, or even a plugged catalytic converter.
First, take a look through this link and see if it helps.
Next, if that link isn't helpful, I have a few questions. First, is the check engine light staying on when it is running? Why do you feel it needs more fuel pressure than the manufacturer's specs? What is the fuel pressure?
Let me know about the check engine light. When the engine stalls, does the engine start right back up? If the light stays on, have the computer scanned to identify diagnostic trouble codes. If it isn't on, then I need you to check a couple things. First, I want you to check for engine vacuum leaks;
Next, check for a possible plugged catalytic converter.
Also, this could be related to a crankshaft position sensor. Take a look through this link and let me know if it mirrors what you experience.
With diagnostic trouble codes, we will need to eliminate one problem at a time.
Let me know what you find or if you have other questions.
Take care,
Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 AT 9:01 PM