It definitely sounds like a timing issue to me. But to have it backfiring through intake and exhaust is strange. Is it doing it at the same time?
Was a bigger cam added or longer pushrods?
Was rocker arm ratio changed?
Is the timing pointer on there?
Do you have a build sheet for it?
I would check to see if the harmonic balancer is in the right position. We used to call it dead timing. Take out the plug on cylinder 1. Put a long screwdriver in the hole and turn the engine by hand while watching the screwdriver. Watch it move up and as soon as starts to move back down, turn the motor back. Then I would rotate the engine back 365 degrees and have an assistant put their thumb over the spark plug hole and see if there is pressure and make your mark with a white paint pen on the balancer. Then you will know true TDC.
Then you can adjust your distributor from there.
I would also check the firing order. I read that newer aftermarket cams use the 302HO and 351W firing order.
For yours it should be 1-5-4-2-6-3-7-8. If it has a newer aftermarket cam it could have the 302HO firing order which is 1-3-7-2-6-5-4-8
Also, if you are using a carburetor with electronic choke, unplug it while trying to time it.
You can see if the valves are open by performing a leak down test. OTC makes a pretty nice tester. It can be found on amazon. That way you can see if it is coming from the intake or exhaust more than the other. Do this while turning the motor and see what changes. You will need a compressor for this test as well.
You can also use just compressed air into cylinder on when at TDC at combustion cycle and see if you get any leakage like air through the intake and turn the motor by hand until there is no more leaking air.
I would try these few things. At the very least it will give you more information on where the valves are located in relation to piston movement.
I hope this helps. Let me know if I can help in any way. Try these few things and let me know what you come up with.
Thank you,
Thursday, April 13th, 2023 AT 11:34 AM