I need your help. I have the car listed above LT model, that stalled out a few weeks ago. It will not start, when you push the button it just continuously cranks and cranks. Starter fluid didn’t work. My oil is horrible, I take full accountability for that. It has been to two mechanics. The first one checked my compression (said it was good) changed out my crankshaft position sensor, changed my spark plugs, and replaced oil pressure valve. Nothing. The second one tried to replace my fuel pump. This second mechanic told me my compression was 80 in valve 1 and 75 in valve 2, he said he would have to take out my heads and give it to some shop because there’s no compression. I cannot afford that right now. I have a feeling it is my MAF because my boyfriend cleaned it and that’s when it started having problems. Every time I tell these mechanics that they avoid it because I’m a girl.
has anyone else had this issue? What was the fix?
Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 AT 11:13 AM