The relearns you're referring to also include short and long-term fuel trims. The short-term fuel trims, (STFT) is a set of data points that modify fuel metering right now to achieve a perfect mixture. You will rarely notice when those have been erased because they begin to update as soon as you start the engine. When the computer sees it's always making the same corrections for the same set of conditions it moves those numbers to the long-term fuel trims, (LTFT). Those are what it starts running off of each time you start the engine. As an example of the things it looks at, if you do get more air to go into the engine the computer is going to add more fuel. Now it will see a higher than expected idle speed with no corresponding change in throttle position sensor reading. It will be confused if it can't reconcile the higher speed to the closed throttle.
This guide can help us fix it
Please run down this guide and report back.
Saturday, April 6th, 2013 AT 4:40 AM