Tested the neutral switch using the Haynes repair Manuel on 2000 Corolla automatic transmission.
Using ohms park pin 1 and 6 nothing.
Neutral pins 2-3 nothing
drive pins 6-8 nothing
2nd gear pins -6-9 nothing
low gear pins 4-6 nothing
pins 1-4 got ohm sound.
Pins 6-7 got ohm sound.
On the harness side voltage on pin 1-4 and
pins 6-7 voltage all else o.O volts.
I adjusted the switch in parks and in neutral nothing.
Could not remove the switch, it was frozen on the transmission shaft; had to drill the center and pry it off damaging the switch.
The guts or center part of the rotating switch, that is still on the shaft can't get it out.
The ball with the sliding arms making contact with the shifter contacts broke off inside the switch and the steal ball is attached to transmission gear shaft its permanently welled to transmission shaft.
I need some help thank you!
Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 AT 6:45 PM