Sunday, August 21st, 2011 AT 8:04 PM
03 Ford Escape 2wd v6, hit a deer most of damage is front and easily repairable through insurence company. I drove from the accident to my house "2 miles" no problems butradiator steam where it was bent. It has set for two weeks before I started it up again to move it for access to a roll back, I noticed It was idleing high and when you go from park to drive or park to reverse it jumps into gear, It wasnt doint this after the deer, what could be causeing it, I thought it could have to do with Idle senser but thats no where near the damanged area, but the fron end was pushed up against the engine bending the radiator and breaking the cooling fans. Any answer so I can tell my mechanic before he gets it, since Im waiting on my insurnce check.