The first time the engine was started it ran very rough and then died. It would start again but then die again.
While engine is running; pressing the throttle lightly a few times will finally get the rpm up past 1000 and engine smooths out with dash lights and tack operating porperly. However it will not remain running unless l continue to lightly "peddle" the throttle while keeping engine rpm between 1000 and 3500 rpm. Doing this will enable the engine to run smoothly up to around 3500 rpm but holding a steady throttle at any rpm results in the engine stalling and the dash lights flashing while tack and speedometer fluctuating wildly until engine dies or throttle is again lightly peddled. This procedure produces a very "rich fuel smell"
I thought that I might possibly have some water in the fuel tank so I added a 15 oz can of Berryman B-12 CHEMTOOL along with a bottle of Heet to the fuel tank in order to mix any water with the gasoline.
I was able to slowly drive the car (in low gear) for about a mile while peddling the throttle and moving the steering wheel back and forth to aid the mixing of the added chemicals. This did not help.
The problem seems to be electrical but the sudden symptom after the extended time of non use does not compute. I will be checking for possible vacuum leaks in a couple of days and I also will be examining the air intake for bird or wasp nests.
Wednesday, July 16th, 2014 AT 10:06 PM