Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 AT 7:48 PM
My ac / heater fan control switch on my dash board appears to show operation however, when you select the Fan to increase or decrease blower. The blower does not operate at all but you can hear the AC ingage, just no air coming out through the vents no matter what vent selection I choose however, you can hear a "CLICK" when you go to the very highest setting and a "CLICK" again when you select just one notch below the highest setting, it will do this evertime yet no air coming out. I have done a few electrical checks already and will share them with you. First, I checked to see if their was power getting to my Fan under the hood with my test light, it showed power to both the orange & orange and black wires connecting to the Fan. Second, I checked all my fuses under the drivers dash and under the hood at the main block, I used my test light on each fuse and found their where (6) fuses showing no power to them so, I removed and checked each fuse condition and if they where blown there was no indication and I also cleaned the tips and reinstalled them, rechecked again and still no power to these (6). I also tested all Relays for operation and for heat damage etc, each showed they were operating correctly with power consistant to each one. I also cleaned their prongs as well. The "Click Noise" I hear is coming from under the hood from a electrical unit affixed to my HVAC system next to the firewall. I checked for power with my tester at the electrical wiring going inside the unit and found their to be power getting to that unit. I believe the unit is called a AC/Heater Fan Controller. Well, I hope you can help me as presently I do not have a repair manual on this 2000 Lincoln Towncar to do any further trouble shooting. Thank you. Daryl