Soot on drivers side spark plugs. 3.2L V6 what can this be? Shows EGR and O2 codes. How do I check them?

  • 1997 ISUZU RODEO
  • 124,000 MILES
Soot on drivers side spark plugs. 3.2L V6 It has a slight missfire after it warms up. Has electronic egr valve and don't see anyway to look for valve moving. Cleaned valve and reinstalled. Ceaned o2 sensors still same problem. Also blows dark smoke when you revup the engine going down the road. Sometimes it white smoke when it's first started up. Tail pipe is blak and sooty. Not loosing any oil or coolant. How do I check th O2 sensors and know there location. How do I check this type of egr valve? EGR VALVE -- Pin type; With 5-prong male terminal and 2 mounting holes. Could it be the timing belt?
Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 AT 4:35 AM

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  • 110,052 POSTS
That black smoke indicates a rich fuel mixture and the white usually indicates coolant getting into the combustion chamber. As far as the EGR, I can't find a specific test for it. I checked 2 online manuals. Check to see if the pintal is free and seating properly. As far as the O2 sensor, you need a live scanner that can watch the sensors reactions to different throttle positions and engine loads.
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Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 AT 5:02 AM

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