The first thing to consider is a squealing belt is caused by the belt walking sideways across a pulley as it goes around it. That is caused by a pulley that is tipped or turned, usually an idler pulley with a worn bearing. Most pulleys start life painted black. Look for one where the belt is riding off-center and some shiny silver is peaking out right beside the belt. Also, sight down on the belt from on top and look for any pulleys further down where the belt is sticking out to the side and is not in line with itself on the other pulleys.
With the second observation of the belts not running fast enough, a good suspect is the harmonic balancer. Harmonic balancers have a heavy cast ring bonded to the center hub. On yours, that outer ring is the drive pulley for the belt. With the extra stress, the bonding can break free, then the ring slips on the hub and doesno t run the belt. Look for signs of the bonding material squeezing out or appearing to be melted. If you cannot tell that way, scratch a chalk line across the front of the assembly. Check if half of the line has shifted after running the engine.
Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 AT 11:09 PM