Use the headlights like a test light. Turn then on, then also turn on the dome light or open the door, then watch the dome light unless your headlights are pointing close enough to a wall, then turn the key to start and watch the lights.
1. Normal would be them dim slightly and the starter crank over fast enough to start the engine.
2, If the lights dim heavy but still barely on and the starter crank slow, or the solenoid click, click, click, then that means a weak or drained battery.
3. If the lights go out completely and maybe just one click from the starter and/or solenoid, that usually means a loose electrical connection so twist the battery cable ends and make sure none are loose.
4. If the lights do nothing, that is stay bright, and the starter either does nothing or maybe you hear a starter relay click once, that usually means either the starter or the solenoid is bad, the starter relay is bad, a bad ignition switch, neutral safety and switch bad or a blown fuse.
Wednesday, August 19th, 2020 AT 7:43 PM