If you replaced the negative battery cable and are sure that the connections are clean and tight, perform a voltage drop test on the positive battery cable.
To do this you will need a Digital Volt meter. Set the voltmeter on the 2 volt scale.
Connect the positive (+) voltmeter lead to the positive battery cable (at the battery), be sure it makes a good connection.
Connect the negative (-) voltmeter lead to the positive battery terminal stud on the starter, be sure it makes a good connection.
Have an assistant to crank the engine over. Record the reading on the voltmeter, while the engine is cranking.
There should be a reading of 0.2 volts or less.
To check the negative side of the starting system, connect the positive(+) voltmeter lead to the negative battery cable (at the battery), be sure it makes a good connection.
Connect the negative(-) voltmeter lead to a clean spot on the case of the starter.
Have an assistant to crank the engine over. Record the reading on the voltmeter, while the engine is cranking.
There should be a reading of 0.3 volts or less.
If excessive resistance is found clean the battery cable ends and terminals. Clean the place on the engine where the negative cable attaches. Retest. If excessive resistance is still present, replace the faulty cable.
If excessive resistance is not found, remove the starter and have it tested at a local auto parts store (many of them will test it for free!).
Monday, January 4th, 2021 AT 8:43 AM