If the seat has not been folded down before it is possible the pivots have rusted and will not allow it to move. Or the latch is not releasing fully. Does it feel/sound like the latch is releasing when you turn the key? Does it feel any different if you push in on the seat as you turn the key?
The attached shows the latch assembly. The cover in the trunk area comes off with a screw. You could remove the cover and see if the latch rod and the rest of the parts are moving when you actuate the latch. It may just be corroded or possibly disconnected.
If the pivot at the bottom is moving and the lock rod is moving, take a pair of pliers and pull the lock rod a bit, it is possible it has gotten bent enough that it does not release the latch.
Good luck, please reply back with what you find.
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Thursday, August 27th, 2020 AT 11:42 AM