Honda Accord EX 2005 60K miles.
OK the pain is enough! After driving > 20 mins, I am in pain for the next hour in the hips and butt area. (I'm 5'10", 195 lbs, fairly normal proportions, no back problems, history, injuries, chiropractic visits. Nothing.)
But Honda has designed the 2005 Accord EX driver's seat so poorly. Something has to change. (And, yes, I've tried everything: Lumbar support, every angle you can imagine, pillows, cushions, repositioning my legs. Everything). No problem with any other car, even my other Hondas.
So. I am thinking of replacing the seat with a third-party seat. Can anyone provide any tips or suggestions or experiences?
And yes, I know it has to be done super-well because of the Safety implications.
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Thursday, August 27th, 2020 AT 11:40 AM