Monday, June 23rd, 2008 AT 1:01 PM
I have a 2002 VW Cabrio. It's been stalling out. We've discovered it has gas with water in it. Since then we've changed the fuel filter, and removed the bad gas and replaced it with mid-grade fuel. We ran diagnositcs on it and it came back with the following codes: P0116 Engine Coding Temperature; P0102 MAF/VAF Circuit low imput; P0725 Engine Speed ___ circuit malfunction; P1780/P1850 Manufactor control transmission; P1296 Manufactor control fuel air metering; P0506 Idol control sysstem RPM low; P8107; P6060; P0004 Fuel Volumne Regulator Con't circuit (high); P1300 Boost Calibration fault. Could you please advise me as to what the problem could be. I do know the temperature gage isn't working. Please I need help ASAP! I have a limited time to fix it, and limited funds as well. So your help is much appreciated. Thank You!