Sorry for the long question, but I wanted to be thorough.
I believe the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) is not activating. It is causing the speedometer to not work, and as a result of no speedometer signal the transmission (A140e) is not shifting out of 1st.
I tested the VSS to see if it functions by pulling it out, but keeping it hooked up to the wiring harness, and using a drill to spin it. When I did the speedometer responded in kind, nice and smooth.
I then tested to see if the transmission was turning the VSS by opening the VSS so that the top shaft could been seen if it spins and inserted the sensor back into the transmission. I lifted the car and then turned the wheel with it in neutral, and watched to see if the sensor would turn, and it looked like it almost started to turn at one point but then remained unmoved as if the teeth of the sensor gear was not connecting to the teeth of the gear inside the transmission.
I also had taken a good VSS from my wife's car (a Camry also) to see if it would function in my car and it did not, I put it back in her car and it worked fine as always for her car.
My VSS was acting up a few months ago with very erratic shifting. I did put in a new one (a very cheap one) but it made it even worse. So I took the new one's gear and placed it on the old sensor (changing just the sensor gear) and it was a little better than what I had started with, but it was still erratic. I had been driving with that until the other day when it was a first cold day of the season (I live in Arizona, so cold is a relative thing, maybe sixty degrees or even fifty degrees at night) and the transmission would not shift up very well.
My transmission has had problems over the last six years or so with not working if it was cold and would take about a mile of driving to warm up and start shifting normally. However, this time with the VSS not really working, seems that it has really bit the dust.
I had hoped that a change of fluid and filter would help, but it did not.
Also the only codes I got was 42, which is the VSS.
If the gear really is not connecting what would cause that, and how can I fix it? Does it require the transmission to be pulled (which on this car is a very large job from my research) or can this be fixed on the vehicle? Or have I missed something?
The uploaded image is just an example I found online of what my VSS looks like.
I would be truly grateful for any help you can give me.
Sunday, December 10th, 2017 AT 7:32 PM