Transmission fault after car was flooded

  • 2.2L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 129,000 MILES
Couple weeks ago we were driving the car listed above LX model down the highway and it started down pouring. Flooded out the car and got it stuck for 2 hours as it dried out.
Car starts running fine for a few days but then the S light starts coming on like the transmissions electrical components are messing up. What would most likely be the damaged part after the accidental flooding? Electricity is a hard thing to trace when you cant even see it.
Thursday, July 16th, 2020 AT 10:32 AM

1 Reply

  • 52,797 POSTS
Good afternoon,

There is a fault code stored in the system. The fault must be identified to narrow the area of failure.

Did you change the transmission fluid after the flood? I hope you did as water in the transmission will damage the transmission.


Pulling codes

Troubleshooting Procedures

When the A/T control unit senses an abnormality in the input or output Systems, the S indicator light in the gauge assembly will blink. However, when the Service Check Connector (located to the lower right of the glove compartment) is connected with a jumper wire, the S indicator light will blink the problem code when the ignition switch is turned on.

When the S indicator light has been reported on, connect the two terminals of the Service Check Connector together. Then turn on the ignition switch and observe the S indicator light.

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Problem codes 1 through 9 are indicated by individual short blinks, Problem codes 10 through 15 are indicated by a series of long and short blinks. One long blink equals 10 short blinks. Add the long and short blinks together to determine the problem code. After determining the problem code, refer to the electrical system Diagnosis By Symptom / Symptom-to-Component Chart. See: Automatic Transmission/Transaxle > Testing and Inspection

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Thursday, July 16th, 2020 AT 1:33 PM

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