From: ted01220
To: rasmataz
Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 1:02 pm
Subject: 1991 corolla
i did a diagnostic check on this engine, where you install a jumper and count the number of flashes that you get on the chck engine light. Had one flash, pause, two flashes, manual says it is a code 12. RPM signal, can this cause the same problems?
Check the ignition timing by jumping Te-1 to E-1 should read 10deg BTDC.
The knocking could be caused by the distributor or knock sensor not retarding the timing and creating spark knock/detonation
You're missing the Ne signal to the ECU which represent RPM signal-Test the pick up coils in the distributor-the fix here if the wires are good to the computer-distributor must be replaced
Sunday, May 11th, 2008 AT 3:35 PM