2000 Camry LE 50,000 miles, V6-Lurching trany

I've had my camry since new. 2 months ago when driving in rush hour, stop and go freeway traffic the car started kicking whenever I took my foot off the gas. Happened most often if I was accelerating and then had to lift my foot off gas to put on break. I'd get a slight bucking, and thump-thud noise. It got progressively worse and I took to the dealer. They replaced the bone joint and motor mount. I picked it up and drove it and no change to the problem. I had to drive with the technician because they were testing it in straight freeway driving and the problem was not occuring. I had them simulate stop and go traffic and then they felt it. Said it needed a new transmission. They put in a new transmission--no change to the problem. I took it back and they said it was a problem with the throttle cable. Tightened that. I drove it today and now it's worse. Not only happens when I take my foot off gas but now somtimes happens when it's shifting gears. Worse when the car is driving between 40 and 50mph.
I took it back and they say there is nothing wrong with it. HELP!
(My husband said he thought it was the U joints but the Toyota people say this car doesn't have U joints.)
Monday, March 12th, 2007 AT 8:59 PM

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Open the hood, start the car, press the brake, and shift the car from park to reverse, then from reverse to drive, then back to reverse again, while observing the engine, have someone else observe the engine if it is difficult, look to see if the engine moves excessively, listen to see if you can hear any metal clunking sound, your engine, transaxle mounts could be bad, also check the forward strut rod bushings.(Suspension/alignment category)
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2007 AT 3:08 AM

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