Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 AT 2:11 AM
I purchased camry 8 months before, from its first user few day before I went at high way. It was quite smoth up till 350Kms. Then I stopped my car and took dinner at hotel, again I start my travell with the interval of 1 and half hour. Then after 30 to 40 Kms its heat gauge is comming up and when it crosses the half I stopped the car and open its front hood and found that coolent comming out from the rasiarwire(attached bottle with radiator) I putted some water on radiator and wait untill it becomes cool. Then added more coolent in the raditor and bottle up till mark. Agian I continue travell. This thing happen saveral times and its temp. Gauage swinging and move in between half and high temp. When I increase its spead its moving up and when I decrease speed its comming back. Here I like to tell that I already cleaned its radiator and changed its cap before I travel. Pls tel me the possible reasons