The easiest way appears to be to go to the main junction connection under the hood and disconnect the two turn signal feeds and connect them to the running light circuit. The turn signals in the mirrors are fed through relays so they wouldn't add any real load. Find the wiring junction in the left rear corner of the engine bay and find connector 192. See the attached image. Near that connector you need to find the two wires that come from the harness to the relays from splices 246 and 247. The wire colors are Light Green with a white stripe and White with a blue stripe. The catch is going to be determining which of the 4 wires in that splice are the two feeds as there will be 4 wires that are the same color in each splice. One is the feed from the turn signal flasher, another goes to the turn signal indicator in the dash, the third goes to the turn signal and the last goes out to the bulbs in the mirrors. You would need to cut the ones that feed to the mirrors, then connect the wires you cut free to one of the Brown wires that feed the regular running lamps. Those can be found in the main harness under the battery junction box area. The reason you need to do it this way is because of the relays that feed the lights. You are using those to turn on the power to the mirrors, the relays are inside the truck and also provide the click sound for turns. Wiring this way, when you turn on the parking lights they would come on. However you might want to look at the local laws about it first, some are picky about where you can have a light on full time. Another issue would possibly be heat, those lamps are built tight and with no ventilation, running them full time could result in the bulb housings or lenses melting from the heat.
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Monday, December 14th, 2020 AT 10:50 PM