Friday, March 14th, 2025 AT 1:03 PM
Recently I pushed my old beat up car to the max. I drove to Michigan during artic storm from Alabama roughly 13hrs. Upon returning back home I noticed a tiny little leak coming from the intake manifold where the radiator hose connects to it. Now its hairline. But overtime, it runs into the cylinder 5. The radiator fluid doesn't meet with the oil (thank goodness). I really don't want to be cheap but I'm balling on a budget! I planned on doing it myself. So what parts other than an intake manifold gasket will I need? I'm lowkey scared to open her up because the actual piston from that little window where the spark plug goes had soooo much carbon deposits built up on it. Is there anyway I can get that cleaned up internally without breaking down the entire motor? I know its not recommended but could I shortcut it by applying a lil gasket maker by the leak so the antifreeze doesn't leak into my cylinder head?