Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 AT 3:10 PM
Working on my brothers car. It stopped running. He had it towed home. Come to find out, the timing belt gave way. Looking up the the timing marks on this site (thank you), I replaced the timing belt. I also replaced the tensioner, idler pulleys, and the water pump and serpentine belt. The car turns over, but won't start. Thinking that there may be a crank position sensor, I loosened the t-belt and turned the crank 360 and closed it up again. Same result, turns over, won't even begin to start. I'm getting spark at #1 cyl. And hear the fuel pump kicking in. My next step is to check the fuel pressure. But, I don't know what that is suppose to be. I'm sure the timing marks are on, I rotated the engine 3 revs to make sure. What am I missing?