1990 Subaru Loyale 4 cyl Four Wheel Drive Manual
Im wondering if I set my cam timing properly, because she won't start. I had to replace a lash adjuster, and in the process removed the cam from drivers side. I realigned all marks to twelve o'clock and used the three cam timing marks close together (the middle one) An put on the belts. I then put 18lbs on each cam an tightened tensioners. It just wont go. It kinda starts and idles erratically but The timing just wont get right. I run out of adjustment right before it feel like its gonna run help! This is the first time I've had this kind of problem and I've been a machanic for 10 years LOL Something is wrong! Can u walk me through the timing process!
Friday, August 14th, 2009 AT 3:04 PM