Well that is definitely unique. Okay here is an odd test but? Take some baby powder and dust the distributor and around the intake manifold seams so it is fairly well covered. Close the hood. Now take a hose and make it rain. Not just around the hood but into the cowl and all along the top of the windshield. Do one section at a time like the drivers side of the hood seam, then the center then the passengers side. Then the cowl area and then around the top. After each area open the hood and see if any of the powder is wet or any puddling around the intake.
If you find nothing the only other thing would be to coat the vent screens and the cap seam with some silicone grease and then see if it still gets water inside. If it does then, you are getting water from inside the engine that it is pulling in either through the air cleaner or possibly a leak at the rear of the intake and vacuum draws it in.
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018 AT 7:23 PM