If you were going down a long steep grade then this would be normal if you rode the brakes the whole way down until they started smoking.
Basically as you descend a canyon or mountain, you need to pump the brakes and not hold them for long periods. In other words, you brake a little harder for short periods of time, then let let the vehicle cost until you need to slow down again and repeat this. This way the pads and rotors can actually cool down a little bit in between braking.
If you just ride the brakes for a long period, then it heats the rotors up until it actually starts to melt the pads. Once this happens they will actually glaze over and you will not have very good stopping ability and can get into an accident because the rotors become like glass and the pads allow the rotor to slip through it much easier and you take longer to stop.
I would recommend removing the pads and rotors and either replace them or at least scuff them up.
Let me know if you have questions. Thanks
Wednesday, June 17th, 2020 AT 3:47 PM