After leaving the dealer and driving about 10 miles we found that we had lost the brakes and had to use the emergency brake to stop the car.
Indicators. Pedal goes to the floor. Brake reservor is still full. No visible leaks (without removing wheels).
I don't quite know what is causing this. I read up on the subject and understand that Auto brakes have TWO separate systems hooked up diagonally from each other. If one fails the other should still work.
The documents I read said the cause of the brake pedal going to the floor are: Master Cylinder bad or air in the system. If there we air in the system from the leak, shouldn't that only affect one side of the system? So am I looking at a bad M.C. Can they fail in this way? How or should I test it? I will have to fix the rear brakes anyway which will involve bleeding them.
Thursday, August 6th, 2009 AT 9:28 AM