Sunday, February 12th, 2023 AT 10:32 AM
I replaced rear differential and now my speedometer is showing I'm going 100 MPH and is engaging governor when the actual speed is 40 MPH and the transmission is shifting gears very fast. None of this happened until differential swap. Cruise control doesn't work but my O/D is working fine no wiring other than differential speed sensor was unplugged and I replaced sensor and wired a new plug connector in also. Getting ABS code, PCM codes, every gauge works on cluster just speedometer is misreading. I removed transfer case driveshaft and front cv axles because front differential problem so 4x4 light blinks 9 times every few minutes but even tried putting it all back and didn't make a difference and I can't find anything online to help fix the problem. The images are the most recent codes it gives. Please help and thank you for your time