If you find "JR41" in your vehicle ID number, these three diagrams apply and are used with the first four. Notice in the last two diagrams, near the bottom, my black arrows are pointing out there are indeed two black ground wires at terminal # 5 of connector C300. They're grounded at two different places, for redundancy, as indicated by "G300" and "G302". Those are two different grounds, but for the same purpose.
The connector views are the same. Note there's only one ground wire for the domestic model, and two different second ground wires are listed for the two export models. They only list them twice because it happened to work out that they received different circuit number designations. One is circuit "Z151" and the other is "Z143". They're the same wire on both export models.
"Z" is used to represent ground circuits. The "151", "143", and the other numbers are simply used to differentiate one circuit from the others. "18BK" means it's an 18 gauge black wire.
If your camera needs a ground wire in back, you can use either of these.
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Monday, May 22nd, 2023 AT 8:39 PM