Took out the high-pressure gun one day and was washing the car, crawled under the side of the car, and noticed that the two body side panels that run from the back of the front tire to the front of the rear tire had an opening in the front of each one! Put the hose in there with a pointy nozzle and Woosh, out came a gallon of small rocks in total! Dang, how did that happen? Humm, our driveway is decomposed granite and lots of our local roads are chip and seal. Did it resolve the problem? Took it for a test ride, nope! Still there.
Dropped it off at our Infinity dealer on a Thursday, 11 days later I called to check, they haven’t even looked at it yet! Next day I get an email showing a list a mile long,
See below:
"Repair" that would resolve the rattling noise plus the leaking valve gaskets $1, 66.53, clean and treat the A/C vents $67.00, change the brake fluid $204.95, replace the inside cabin filter $130.00 and replace the spark plugs $360.00, fuel Induction service $259.95 and replace the front shocks for $1,335.00”.
Just "clump change" right! Not! Cabin filters are $4.00-17.00, opted out of the struts, plugs, fuel induction service ended up being $1,595.00 out the door! Called up our guy who did the brakes here at home and he came today and replaced the front struts for $785.00. Test drove the car and still makes the dang noise! Anybody have an idea on what might be causing this. The front-end parts checked out good, no movement in any of them. Replace the cardboard crap shield with an aluminum one also”.
Now I am still trying to figure out where and what is making the noise, so if anyone has an idea, please let me know...
Sunday, October 10th, 2021 AT 3:53 PM