Radio power cycling during hard accelerations

  • 4.0L
  • V6
  • 4WD
  • 172,000 MILES
Okay here’s a weird one. Yesterday when on a desert two lane highway, there was this joker that was going 35 on the mildest corners and he would accelerate to 85-90 mph on the straights. After losing my mind driving behind him so slowly on all the corners, I decided to pass him. Needless to say, I had to really get on it to pass him. When my speed got up around 85 my radio power cycled. I’ve got a Samsung Android tablet deal for my radio/reverse camera. According to my dash there was no voltage drop, and nothing else power cycled. I didn’t wire this thing myself so I have no idea what fuse it’s wired too. It took me two attempts to pass this joker and both times when I got on it and got upwards of 85 mph the radio did this. It’s also done this when deceleration's to a stop or near stop. I’m not getting a belt squeal from the engine at any time, of course all of the door seals are crappy and when I’m stomping on the accelerator to pass someone at 85 mph there could be a brass band in the engine compartment and I wouldn’t hear a thing, but the few times it power cycled when deceleration's I hear no belt squeal, and again the voltage isn’t dropping if the dash gauge can be trusted and nothing else is effected but the radio so the alternator doesn’t seem like the culprit. Also it’s not consistent when it does this. Any ideas? I mean other than the spirit of my Explorer is angry and must be appeased through sacrifice, cause right now that’s all I got.
Monday, April 22nd, 2019 AT 6:08 AM

1 Reply

  • 48,603 POSTS

It sounds like the alternator has a diode that is going out causing voltage problems (throwing AC voltage). I would confirm the issue by following this guide and replacing the unit if it fails. here are to guides and diagrams below to help you get the job done:

This guide will walk you through the steps with instructions and diagrams below:

Check out the diagrams (below). Please let us know what happens.

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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019 AT 11:55 AM

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