Power steering lines

  • 3.4L
  • V6
  • 2WD
  • 120,000 MILES
I have the car listed above and saw what you posted for a 2004 and the diagrams look identical to what I am seeing in my car. My question is, what is the best way to get the line connections at the gear? From underneath or down through the top? Any tips you could share would be appreciated.
Friday, April 3rd, 2020 AT 5:53 PM

3 Replies

  • 110,052 POSTS

Unless you have a lift, I would try from the top. If the vehicle is high enough, then you would have better access from the bottom. However, check to see if you may have the easiest access if you safely lift, remove the front wheel, and go in through the inner fender.

I don't know which hose is being replaced, pressure or return, but I wanted to add the directions for an 05 just in case something is different. The attached pics will correlate with the directions. Also, and I hate to say it, it's a tight fit to remove them from the rack.


Return hose (low pressure)

2005 Chevrolet Impala V6-3.4L VIN E
Power Steering Return Hose Replacement
Vehicle Steering and Suspension Steering Power Steering Power Steering Line/Hose Service and Repair Procedures Power Steering Return Hose Replacement
Power Steering Return Hose Replacement (3.4L)

Removal Procedure
1. Place a drain pan under the vehicle in order to catch any draining power steering fluid.

Pic 1

2. Remove the power steering return hose from the power steering pump.
3. Remove the power steering return hose from the power steering lines retaining bracket on the engine.
4. Remove the power steering return hose from the power steering cooler pipe.
5. Remove the power steering return hose from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure
1. Install the power steering return hose.
2. Install the power steering return hose to the power steering cooler pipe.

Pic 2

3. Install the power steering return hose to the power steering lines retaining bracket on the engine.
4. Install the power steering return hose to the power steering pump.
5. Fill the power steering system.
6. Bleed the power steering system.
7. Inspect the power steering system for leaks.
8. Remove the drain pan from under the vehicle.


High pressure

2005 Chevrolet Impala V6-3.4L VIN E
Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement
Vehicle Steering and Suspension Steering Power Steering Power Steering Line/Hose Service and Repair Procedures Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement
Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement (3.4L)

Removal Procedure
1. Place a drain pan under the vehicle.

Pic 3

2. Remove the power steering pressure line from the power steering pump.
3. Remove the power steering pressure line from the power steering lines retaining bracket on the engine.

Pic 4

4. The power steering pressure line is the lower line at the power steering gear. Remove the power steering line from the power steering gear. Access the line from the engine compartment, between the rocker arm cover and the front of the dash mat.
5. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.

Pic 5

6. Remove the power steering pressure line (1) from the clamps on the power steering gear.
7. Remove the power steering pressure line (1) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure

pic 6

1. Install the power steering pressure line (1) to the vehicle.
2. Install the power steering pressure line (1) to the clamps on the power steering gear.
3. Lower the vehicle.

Pic 7

Notice: Install the power steering pressure line to the power steering gear.

4. Tighten the power steering pressure line fitting to the power steering gear to 27 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
5. Install the power steering pressure line to the power steering lines retaining bracket on the engine.

Pic 8

6. Install the power steering pressure line to the power steering pump.
Tighten the power steering pressure line fitting to the power steering pump to 27 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
7. Fill the power steering system with power steering fluid.
8. Bleed the power steering system.
9. Inspect the power steering system for leaks.


I don't know if you need them, but here are the directions for the cooler pipe hose.


2005 Chevrolet Impala V6-3.4L VIN E
Power Steering Cooler Pipe/Hose Replacement
Vehicle Steering and Suspension Steering Power Steering Power Steering Line/Hose Service and Repair Procedures Power Steering Cooler Pipe/Hose Replacement
Power Steering Cooler Pipe/Hose Replacement

Removal Procedure
1. Remove the engine mount struts from the engine.
2. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
3. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
4. Place a drain pan under the vehicle.

Pic 9

Notice: The front wheels of the vehicle must be maintained in the straight ahead position and the steering column must be in the LOCK position before disconnecting the steering column or intermediate shaft. Failure to follow these procedures will cause improper alignment of some components during installation and result in damage to the SIR coil assembly.

5. Remove the intermediate steering shaft from the power steering gear stub shaft.
6. Use a utility stand in order to support the frame.
7. Remove the frame bolts from the rear of the frame.

Notice: Do not lower the rear of the frame too far as damage to the engine components nearest to the cowl may result.

8. Use the utility stand in order to lower the rear of the frame to gain access.
9. Remove the power steering return hose from the power steering pump to the power steering cooler pipe.
10. Remove the power steering return line from the power steering gear.
11. Remove the power steering return line from the clamp on the power steering gear.
12. Remove the power steering cooler pipe retaining clips.
13. Remove the power steering cooler pipe from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure
1. Install the power steering cooler pipe to the vehicle.

Pic 10

2. Install the power steering cooler pipe retaining clips.
3. Install the power steering return line to the power steering gear.
4. Install the power steering return line to the clamp on the power steering gear.
5. Install the power steering return hose from the power steering pump to the power steering cooler pipe.
6. Use the utility stand in order to raise the frame.
7. Install NEW frame bolts to the rear of the frame.
8. Install the intermediate steering shaft to the power steering gear stub shaft.
9. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
10. Remove the drain pan from under the vehicle.
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Install the engine mount struts to the engine.
13. Fill the power steering fluid reservoir.
14. Bleed the power steering system.
15. Inspect the power steering system for leaks.


Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions.

Take care,
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Friday, April 3rd, 2020 AT 6:11 PM
  • 3 POSTS
Thank you for the quick reply! I put the wrong engine type in my description though, it’s a 3.8L VIN K. Either way I think that going in from the top is easier, even if it is tight. I was going to use the same method I found for my plug wires to create some space on the back side of the engine (loosen top mounts and use a ratchet strap). I had a feeling that this project was going to be tight as I don’t have the ability to drop the subframe, I’m just planning on it taking longer. Thank you so much for the tips! I appreciate any help someone is willing to give me. Stay safe!
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Saturday, April 4th, 2020 AT 4:39 AM
  • 110,052 POSTS
You are very welcome. Aaron, I just compared the pressure hose between engines and the directions are different. In fact, it tells you to remove the tire and wheel. I am going to provide those directions. I remembered having to remove the wheel, but the first set of directions didn't indicate it. It must have been a 3.8 I remembered. Regardless, here are the directions. The attached pics will correlate with the directions.


2005 Chevrolet Impala V6-3.8L SC VIN 1
Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement
Vehicle Steering and Suspension Steering Power Steering Power Steering Line/Hose Service and Repair Procedures Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement

Power Steering Pressure Pipe/Hose Replacement (3.8L)

Removal Procedure
1. Place a drain pan under the vehicle.
2. Remove the accessory drive belt.
3. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
4. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.

Pic 1

5. The power steering pressure hose is the lower hose at the power steering gear. Remove the power steering pressure hose from the power steering gear.
6. Remove the power steering pressure hose from the power steering pump.
7. Remove the power steering pressure hose from the clamps on the power steering gear.
8. Remove the power steering pressure hose from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure
1. Install the power steering pressure hose to the vehicle.

Pic 2

2. Install the power steering pressure hose to the clamps on the power steering gear.

Notice: Install the power steering pressure hose to the power steering pump.

3. Tighten the fitting to 27 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
4. Install the power steering pressure hose to the power steering gear.
Tighten the pressure hose fitting to 27 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
5. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
6. Remove the drain pan from under the vehicle.
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Install the accessory drive belt.
9. Fill the power steering system with power steering fluid.
10. Bleed the power steering system.
11. Inspect the power steering system for leaks.


2005 Chevrolet Impala V6-3.8L SC VIN 1
Power Steering Return Hose Replacement

Power Steering Return Hose Replacement (3.8L)

Removal Procedure
1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.

Pic 3

3. Remove the power steering return hose (2) from the power steering gear (1).
4. Remove the return hose (2) from the clips on the power steering gear.

Pic 4

5. Remove the return hose (1) from the power steering pump.
6. Remove the return hose (1) from the hose retainers (3) on the cradle (4).
7. Disconnect the clips and the electrical harnesses from the return hose (1).
8. Remove the return hose (1) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure

pic 5

1. Install the return hose (1) to the vehicle.
2. Connect the clips and the electrical harnesses to the return hose (1).
3. Install the return hose (1) to the hose retainers (3) on the cradle (4).
4. Install the return hose (1) to the power steering pump.

Pic 6

5. Install the return hose (2) to the clips on the power steering gear.

Notice: Install the return hose (1) to the power steering gear (1).

6. Tighten the fitting to 27 Nm (20 ft. Lbs.).
7. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Fill the power steering fluid reservoir.
10. Bleed the power steering system.
11. Inspect the power steering system for leaks.


I have to be honest. It appears to be easier with this engine. If you have a chance, let me know how it works out for you. If you need help, let me know.

Take care,
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Saturday, April 4th, 2020 AT 6:58 PM

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