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First, understand that it could be a weak battery even though the other things are working. I am going to provide a few basic tests to determine if it is a connection issue, weak battery, or the starter. I suspect it may be the starter, but lets be sure.
First, confirm the battery terminals are clean and tight.
Next, load test the battery following this link:
If the battery terminals are clean and tight, the battery checks good, then I suspect it is the starter. Follow this test:
Here are a few links you may find helpful when testing the starter and wiring:
Please understand that since you hear only a click from the starter, any of the three things I mentioned could be the issue. If you determine the starter is bad, here is a link that explains in general how one is replaced:
Here are directions specific to your vehicle for replacement:
2005 Pontiac Grand AM V6-3.4L VIN E
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Raise vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
3. Remove the flywheel inspection cover bolts.
4. Remove the flywheel inspection cover.
pic 1
5. Remove the electrical connections from the starter motor.
pic 2
6. Remove the starter motor mounting bolts.
7. Remove the starter motor.
pic 3
1. Install the starter motor to the engine.
- Before installing the starter motor to the engine, tighten the nut next to the cap on the solenoid BAT terminal. If this terminal is not tight in the solenoid cap, the cap may be damaged during installation of electrical connections and cause the starter motor to fail later.
- Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
2. Install the starter motor mounting bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 40 Nm (30 lb ft).
pic 4
3. Install the electrical connection to the battery terminal on the solenoid.
Tighten the battery terminal nut to 17 Nm (13 lb ft).
4. Install the electrical connections to the S terminal on the solenoid.
Tighten solenoid S terminal nut to 3 Nm (27 lb in).
5. Install the flywheel inspection cover.
6. Install the flywheel inspection cover bolts.
Tighten the flywheel inspection cover bolts to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
7. Lower vehicle.
8. Connect the negative battery cable.
Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions.
Take care,
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Friday, July 31st, 2020 AT 9:49 AM