Parking lights will not turn off

  • 2004 HONDA CIVIC
  • 4 CYL
  • 82,000 MILES
Late evening, key fob wouldn’t open car door. Called car insurance company to have battery charged while at friend’s house. New battery (3 mo. Old), repair guy checked battery and alternator, both good. After battery charged, drove home and shut off engine, headlights and parking lights. The rear lights would not shut off. Drained battery again. Had to have battery charged once before a few weeks after new battery was installed. Probably beginning of problem. Will have to send to repair shop unless easy for a knowledgeable friend to replace.
Saturday, May 8th, 2021 AT 11:22 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,047 POSTS

Since the front parking light turn off and the rear stay on, I don't think it is in the switch itself. It makes me think there is an issue with the tail light relay or a short to power at some point.

Below, I attached the entire wiring schematic for the exterior lighting system. In pic 5, I included the location of the tail light relay. What I want you to do is locate that relay. Remove it and switch it with another having the same part number in the box. Do the tail lights stay off with the new relay? If so, replace the relay. If the lights stay on with the relay removed or with the new relay, we have a short to power.

If there isn't a relay having the same part number. here is a link explaining how to test one:

Let me know what you find or if you have other questions.

Take care,


See pics below.

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Sunday, May 9th, 2021 AT 9:00 PM

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