From underneath the vehicle loosen up on the equalizer adjustment nut just until it reaches the last few threads before it comes off. Beware that some people like to use two nuts tightened up against each other which is called double-nutting, so if you see that you will first have to turn both nuts away from each other for half turn or so to unlock them. Then turn the outer nut all the way to the last few threads and follow that by turning the inner nut there too, just do not lock them back together for now until you tighten them back down. Now that the equalizer adjustment is all the way loose, release the front parking brake cable from the equalizer by grabbing the cable in one hand and the equalizer in the other hand and pull in towards each other, allowing the end of the cable to slip out of the equalizer. This should completely relieve all the tension with the parking brake and will allow you to remove anything that is broken so you can inspect and replace it if need be.
Friday, March 19th, 2021 AT 12:20 PM