I went through meticulously checking all fuses, relays, and electrical stuff. I checked the fuel pump and it was coming on, so I checked the filter, and the fuel flow was pretty strong. I checked if the car was firing and of course it was. Im not sure, but I dont think it could be a timing chain issue as she just simply gave out of gas, but I could be wrong.
I have asked several mechanics around the area and they all dont seem to have an answer. I have already spent over 700 dollars on this hunk of junk and I do not want to spend much more on it, as if I were to sell it now, I would never get what I have put in it over the last few weeks. HELPPPP!
I would desperately appreciate any input any of you can give me!
I was also wondering if there was some sort of fuel cut off switch that would stop the fuel from getting from the fuel filter to the engine. I know there is some on a lot of fords and a few others, but not sure if there is one on mine. If there is can you tell me where it is.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007 AT 6:44 PM