1992 Other Oldsmobile Models car occassionally will not star

1992 Other Oldsmobile Models V8 All Wheel Drive Automatic

I have a 1992 Oldsmobile "98", with the computer chip ignition key. Lately when I drive the car and stop and turn it off, it will not start back up. Sometimes I can drive and stop and start several times and it works just fine. It naturally will not restart at the most inconvenient time. I am getting leery of driving it anymore for fear it will not restart. When this problem happens, all the dashboard lights work, but there is no sound and the car will not start. My mechanic says he has to check it WHEN that happens to see if it is the starter. Like I mentioned before, it never happens when he is available to check it. I suspect it is either the computer chip key or something in the ignition switch. Anyone else ever have this problem? Thanks.
Sunday, October 5th, 2008 AT 8:47 AM

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First, if it has to do with the security system, the security light will flash on the dash when you try starting it.

You can check the starter yourself as long as you have a helper to turn the key to the start position. On the starter, there are two wire, a large and smaller one. When you turn the key to the start position, you should get 12 volts to the smaller wire. If you get it and the starter doesn't respond, chances are the starter is bad.

Let me know if you have further querstions.

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Saturday, December 20th, 2008 AT 9:36 PM

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