Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Remove the drive belt.
Disconnect the battery positive cable nut (1) on the generator.
Remove the A/C line mounting bracket bolt at the engine life hook.
Remove the right engine lift hook bolts and remove the lift hook.
Remove the 3 generator mounting bolts and remove the generator.
NOTE: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
Install the generator and secure the generator with 3 bolts Tighten Tighten the generator bolts to 50 N.M (37 lb ft).
Connect the battery positive cable to the generator and secure the positive cable with the nut Tighten Tighten the generator positive cable nut to 9 N.M (80 lb in).
Install the engine lift hook and secure the lift hook with 2 bolts. Tighten Tighten the bolts to 50 N.M (37 lb ft).
Install the A/C line bracket to the lift hook and secure the bracket with the bolt. Tighten Tighten the A/C line bracket bolt to 10 N.M (89 lb in).
Install the drive belt.
Connect the battery negative cable.
Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 AT 2:10 PM