Okay. Thanks but I am going to ask you to confirm this one more time but in a different way. Because if I am understand this correctly I am not sure what is wrong. But we will figure it out.
Can you look at the first wiring diagram and tell me that you have power on both sides of the fuse at location 1 but have no voltage at location number 2?
If you remove the relay, and try to start the vehicle while monitoring voltage at location 2 you should get battery voltage if the fuse is good.
If you do not, can you go to the second wiring diagram and measure voltage at location 1 and if you have 12 volts there, go to number 2 and measure it there, both while trying to start the engine.
Let me know this stuff and we can go from there. Thanks and sorry for the multiple questions. Just need to get on the same page as you. Thanks
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Sunday, April 5th, 2020 AT 6:25 PM